At first, registered, creat account.
Award coverage : Awards (modern awards) are legal documents that outline the minimum pay rates and conditions of employment. 內記載有最低薪資和聘任條件的法律文件
Pay rate: 薪資支付率
Penalty rates : 加給支付(penalty原意: 懲罰)率,ex: 週末,國定假日,超時,大夜班,凌晨班須有更高的薪資
Overtime: 超時工作
Allowance: 額外加給,ex: 特定技能、用自己的工具、危險工作地點
Pay slips: 薪資單
Tax & superannuation: 稅、退休金
Deducting pay: 從員工薪資扣錢,ex: 當班時少錢不能從員工薪資扣
Overpayments: 超額支付
Work experience & internships:工作經驗和實習薪資
Unpaid trial:不給付薪資的訓練
Commission payments: 佣金制 ‘bonus’ or ‘incentive payment’.
Piece rates: 計件制
Pay during stand down and severe weather: 資遣或倒閉或嚴重天氣災害下的薪資支付
Enterprise agreements: 企業合約
Help sorting out an issue with my employer/employee: 解決工作場合的紛爭